• Is Great Marsh Institute open to the public?
    • No, but we do hold regular events that are open to the public. If you or your organization are interested in visiting the property, contact us info@greatmarshinstitute.org
  • How big is the Great Marsh?
    • Approximately 600 acres total, 400 of which are wetlands.
  • When was the Great Marsh purchased?
    • 1952 by C.B. Moore and has been passed on to his children and grandchildren.  Marshlands LP is a legal entity set up in 2001 to protect the property and to pass ownership on to the next generation of family members.  Currently there are 5 grandchildren of CB Moore who own Marshlands LP.
  • What is the relationship between Marshlands LP and Great Marsh Institute?
    • GMI is a 501c non-profit organization with no physical assets but we have an agreement with MLP for use of the property, physical structures and equipment.